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Our six causes

The places we go, and the people we help may change over time, but the needs remain consistent. This is why our six core campaigns continue to revolve around food security, water security, orphan care, refugee care, livelihoods and vocational training, and healthcare.

In a world where 785 million people still require access to clean water, some 140 million orphans require support, and many millions need regular access to nutritious food, there is much still to be done.

Transforming lives is not something we do alone - luckily, we have you.  Since 1991, our donors and supporters have worked with us to improve the lives of those struggling with the consequences of famine, poverty, climate change, social upheaval, and conflict. It’s been a successful relationship – you have entrusted us with your donations and we have acted on your behalf to improve the circumstances of many millions of people. And for that, we thank you.

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Every donation is important, and every donation changes lives. This is because no pound sits in isolation, each one joins a community of other pounds all doing good around the world. A regular monthly donation of only £3 could be providing clean water in Ghana one month, feeding refugees on another, or supplying hygiene packs for women.

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