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Job vacancies | work for us

Fundraising manager

Location: Bradford

Job description: Lead on organising fundraising events & challenges. Supporting HRF Fundraising activities

We're looking for a full-time fundraising manager for our  Bradford HQ. You'll be responsible for day-to-day tasks including identifying and cultivating major donors, developing communication strategies, and promoting philanthropy & annual giving to support our fundraising campaigns and international aid delivery programmes. You'll collaborate with our fundraising team to develop fundraising campaigns and events, build relationships with donors, and work towards meeting and exceeding fundraising targets.

Download a job description and send your C.V and covering letter to:  [email protected]

Fundraising Manager-BRADFORD-091023

Please note: due to a high volume of applicants, we are unfortunately unable to contact those who are unsuccessful.

Recruitment and interviews may be ongoing with a view to fill the position immediately. Human Relief Foundation reserves the right to remove vacancies at any time.

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