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Palestine Emergency Appeal

Palestine Emergency Appeal

As the world watches on, the humanitarian crisis in Palestine fills us with sadness and the compulsion to come together to support the innocent population caught up in this unfolding catastrophe. Palestinians are encountering a profound shortage of essential supplies. The availability of food is diminishing, with approximately 80% of the population already experiencing emergency or catastrophic levels of food insecurity. The human cost and statistics and make for horrifying reading:

Approximately 45,000 civilians have been killed since the weekend of 7th October 2023, according to local officials. 16,000 of these are innocent children.

More than half of family dwellings in Gaza have been destroyed or damaged - that's 360,000 families without homes to return to.

11 out of 35 hospitals in Gaza are partially functioning. All are dangerously overcrowded.

267 places of worship have been damaged.

90% schools and colleges are beyond repair.

83% of groundwater wells are non functioning.

The people of Gaza are tired, hungry and scared. They need our support now. With food and medical supplies are scarce, fuel to power hospitals and shelters has running out. The short to medium term outlook is bleak.

We're ready to deliver on your behalf

We are working with our local partners in Jordan - the Jordan Hashemite Charity Organization - and Egypt to deliver humanitarian aid where the need is greatest, when humanitarian corridors open and it is safe for us to do so. Delivery operations are overseen by our Jordanian office, to ensure that aid is delivered in the safest and most effective way, where it is needed most.

As with all our aid delivery, we endeavour to source all goods as locally as possible, ensuring that your donations are not just benefitting those who are the greatest need but also the local economy.

Our first aid convoy of flour left our base in Egypt on Sunday 3 March, bound for the Rafah border crossing (watch the video below to find out more), with another convoy - this time full with non-perishable food packs for families and communities - leaving Jordan a few days later.

On Sunday 24 March, our delivery team was able to supply hot meals to residents of the Palestinian city of Deir al-Balah, in the central Gaza Strip (see the video below), giving hope to the cities residents that the world has not forgotten about their plight.

There is still much to do and we need your support to provide the basic human necessities for the Palestinian people to survive this conflict. 

You have supported us for many years, and know that Human Relief Foundation has the expertise and resilience built up over 30 years, to deliver vital food supplies, shelter and first aid equipment where it's urgently needed. Today, we ask that you join with us again to give hope to those who have lost theirs in a hopeless situation.

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