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Emergency Appeals

Catastrophic events happen across the world more often than we may realise. Whether it be conflict, environmental conditions, or natural disasters, we're ready to mobilise our support teams across the world to provide aid and relief wherever possible. If circumstances make this impossible, we'll work with our key partners who deliver our aid to the vulnerable families and individuals who require it.

We can only do this with your help. Our emergency appeals are a direct call to action to you, our donors and supporters to provide donations that allow us to provide vital food supplies, shelter and medical interventions that are urgently required when disaster strikes.

Our teams and international partners have been providing much need support to the victims of the recent earthquakes Morocco, Turkey & Syria, as well as ongoing disaster aid to Yemen, plus support for Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh, and Syrian & Palestinian refugees in Lebanon and Jordon. In addition, our long serving commitment to the displaced peoples of Iraq continues as they make a new life following years on conflict in the country.

Where we can't get our delivery teams involved directly, we'll partner with local agencies and NGOs to ensure we can be at the forefront of saving lives. 

Palestine Emergency Appeal

We are working with our local partners in Jordan - the Jordan Hashemite Charity Organization - and Egypt to deliver humanitarian aid where the need is greatest, when humanitarian corridors open and it is safe for us to do so. Delivery operations are overseen by our Jordanian office, to ensure that aid is delivered in the safest and most effective way, where it is needed most.

Yemen Crisis

Since 2015 an increasingly brutal conflict has created the world’s largest humanitarian crisis. It has left 24 million people in need of humanitarian assistance – a figure that includes 12 million children, 2.3 million of which are under-fives suffering from acute malnutrition.

The Rohingya

The millions of Rohingya violently driven from their homes in Myanmar have largely been forgotten by a distracted world. But not by us. With little hope of safe return and an unstable life in refugees camps in Bangladesh, their needs remain desperate.


Since 1991 we have been giving support to the people of Iraq. A people who, over three decades, have endured conflict, economic sanctions, social strife, and widespread violence. It has created a country whose fragility make it vulnerable to internal tensions and regional unease.

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