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Human Relief Foundation

Emergency & Disaster Response and Readiness

Building on over 20 years of experience in the field of disaster response, HRF's Core Deployment Team of well trained emergency support staff are on stand by and ready to be deployed at a moment's notice in times of emergency.

Moreover, our sustained presence in Africa, South Asia and the Middle East ensures an expedited and efficient response to emerging needs, in the wake of any calamity.

The team also build overall disaster response capacity by training local NGOs in disaster prone countries in order to better equip and prepare them for disaster response.

All Emergency staff have access to:

  • An Emergency Fund set aside for Immediate Disaster Response.
  • Emergency Response Kits and Manuals.
  • Store & Warehouse Supplies.
  • Network of Contacts and Supporting Organisations in Africa, Middle East and South Asia to facilitate delivery.

After the immediate emergency, HRF seeks to improve the living standards of those in need through long-term development programmes, helping the people affected by crises  regain at least a basic level of self-sufficiency.

HRF saves and preserves life during emergencies and in their immediate aftermath, providing aid to relieve suffering in cases of major loss of life, material damage and social, physical and psychological affliction caused by both natural and man-made disasters including earthquakes, droughts, wars and conflicts.

HRF undertakes short-term rehabilitation and reconstruction, working closely within local structures and in cooperation with people from the local level to ensure that relief reaches those most in need without delay. 

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