Regular schooling and getting a good education are vitally important for refugee children and children living in abject poverty. Learning basic arithmetic, to read and write, as well as the opportunities to mix and play with other children provides essential opportunities for personal development, positive mental well-being, and an a very real opportunity for a brighter future.
For children living in abject poverty, education is equally transformative. It opens doors to economic opportunities that can lift entire families out of poverty. By investing in the education of these children, we can combat inequality and promote social cohesion, laying the groundwork for a more just and prosperous future.
For Rohingya refugee children in the many camps of Bangladesh’s Cox's Bazar, HRF's education programmes provides a semblance of normality and hope amidst the trauma and instability of displacement. Education gives them the fundamental literacy and numeracy skills, which are crucial for breaking the cycle of poverty and ensuring better job prospects in the future.
In Jordan and Lebanon, Syrian and Palestinian refugee children face significant barriers to education, including overcrowded schools, language barriers, and limited resources. Despite these challenges, education remains a critical lifeline, fostering resilience and creating a sense of continuity and stability in their disrupted lives. HRF's educational programs in these countries often include psychosocial support, which is vital for children who have experienced the trauma of war and displacement.
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